Achievements (Innovative) - Devrakshak Foundation

Our Attitude Is To Solve Problems With Care And Empathy

Quality Enhancement Of Contributing Public Healthcare Facilities

The quality improvement (QI) initiative has encompassed the underprivileged population of many parts of India. The motto of this contributing intervention was to address the health issues present in the districts. Besides, it was also aimed at enhancing the quality of facilities for public healthcare.

Inculcating Scientific Disposition in Children towards Real-Life Problems using STEM Programming

The Devrakshak Foundation, through its STEM initiatives, is dedicated to fostering a spirit of scientific curiosity in children. Our primary goal is to empower young minds to investigate and understand their communities’ pressing challenges.

Nutrition Gender Toolkit

The Devrakshak Foundation has embodied the Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy as one of its effective strategies. This strategy highlights the need and ways of empowering women to assume leadership roles in all spheres. This is to ensure both household and community nutrition standards. This strategy gives due importance to the pivotal role of women in sustaining better nutrition practices within their families. They are the source of promoting better nutrition practices in the broader community and we aim to underscore that.

Installation of Early Warning Systems (CBEWS) to Reduce the Risk of Disasters In Communities

Following the detrimental impacts of the past line of disasters on life and properties, we have installed systems for warning communities in time. This setup would expedite the communication concerning any early warning information to residents of disaster-prone regions. This is crucial for the preservation and safety of life. The Resilient Communities Initiative (RCI) successfully implemented a similar community-based early warning system. This setup has encompassed ten villages within the Idukki district. Our proactive measure on these lines of preventive measures for life and health aims to enhance the preparedness of residents. The final result will be safety and calmness in the face of potential natural disasters.

Our Programmes

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Your support is the spark that ignites our mission, together, we can light the path to a brighter future.


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Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

A concrete help for a better and kind world

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Donate for a better future

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