How Can You Contribute? - Devrakshak Foundation 2

Why should you Volunteer?

I am not only the server, but I am the served…
A beautiful way to pay your part of the agreement you established with the universe when you became a part of it, is to make your civic contribution. If the generous ways of ensuring the well-being of all inspire you, you can also follow her lead. For all the social enthusiasts who believe in fairness, equality, and holistic growth, our gates are open to warmly welcome you. It connects with the community and also lets you impact it positively. This not only means you helping but you uplifting and ensuring the progress of all. If social causes tickle you and you have an orientation towards uplifting society, volunteering is the place to start with. By volunteering with Devrakshak Foundation, you are making the world a better place, fostering empathy and faith in people. In addition, you are also enhancing your own mental health and social life. The friends and genuine warmth that the place offers can make your life’s quality way better too. Hence it is truly said that what you give comes back to you. On practical grounds too, volunteering has its advantages. It does not only enhance your sense of pride and self-esteem but also gives you hands-on experience in the social welfare field. You earn opportunities for engagement and acquiring skills like leadership and social management. It connects with the community and also lets you impact it positively. This not only means you helping but you uplifting and ensuring the progress of all. If social causes tickle you and you have an orientation towards uplifting society, volunteering is the place to start with.

How You Can?

Just pick the intention, and the universe will show you the light…
There are several opportunities that can start your engagement with the community. Volunteering programmes designed to contribute to all sectors and places are categorised systematically. To start your journey to contribute fruitfully to your community, you just need to follow simple steps. In no time, you will be a part of the enthusiastic and beautiful group of people who love to serve

Types of Volunteering you can do:

  1. Part-time Volunteering: Serve as and when you can.
  2. Full-time Volunteering: Serve full-time.
  3. Weekend Volunteering: Serve on weekends.
  4. Volunteering Fellowship: Complete a certified fellowship programme in volunteering.

How to go about it:

  1. Registration- Register through our website.
  2. Orientation- Get familiarised with various social welfare opportunities, the organisation, our values, our mission and vision.
  3. Mapping – Get a hang of the various situations and prevailing concern areas in health, and education, and devise resulting media measures and events. Undertake workshops and learning sessions to boost your work.
  4. Familiarisation- Systematic training and fieldwork orientation.
  5. Volunteering- There you go. You are prepared and ready to add to society.

Types of Volunteering that awaits you:

Once you are ready, the areas you can contribute to making a difference would be:
  1. Teaching and Training- You can teach at basic learning centres, orphanages, and government schools. Besides, if your aptitude allows, you can make a life-changing contribution to people’s lives by training them for competitive exams.
  2. Healthcare- It is basic to encourage people to seek help for health issues. You can cultivate that attitude, spread awareness about health, and can also educate on the ways to access facilities. Moreover, you can work at health camps.
  3. Cleanliness Drives- You can clean up public places. This is a crucial service in these times of alarming pollution and resultant global warming.
  4. Flagship Events- You can contribute to large flagship events. In this way, you can encourage and improve contributions to social schemes.
  5. Event Booth- You can run awareness and event booths to educate and demonstrate issues.
  6. Assist at Fundraisers- Inspire people to contribute and make a change. Assist at fundraisers.

Impact of Volunteering

Spur the change if you want to make a change.
Volunteering has immense power to bring change. Both in the lives of the volunteers, and the community they are engaged with. It is no secret that volunteering changes the social landscape by volume. In these times, time is money and there is a capitalistic marathon going on. It is needless to say thus how a volunteering initiative can bring much-needed time, quality, and assistance to society. It is time that every sector in society gets genuine intention and attention. Thus the significance of volunteering. It impacts the communities by enhancing awareness and boosting the morale of the underprivileged. The work of volunteers adds to the health, hygiene, and thus the well-being of the communities involved. It impacts the quality of basic education and awareness among them. By facilitating the different supplies that reach the underprivileged volunteers are acting as a facilitating source in their universe. Also, it means much when volunteers get donations for them, All in all, they are impacting the underprivileged in the community hugely. They are in turn, making the world a better place for all.

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